
Working Groups


Space Policy and Law
Working Group

Objectives and Scope

This working group aims to enhance the capacity in space policy and law of each country, acknowledging that space technology and space policy and law are inseparable pairs in respect to space related activities. This working group covers information sharing and mutual learning on the practice of policy and law in each country and the policy options toward common regional issues. This working group also discusses global issues as a contribution from the region, such as ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities and the stable use of outer space.


This is a newly established working group under the APRSAF dedicated to space policy and law. APRSAF has engaged in efforts to build space policy community from 2017 in response to growing interest in space policy and law in the region. It has been providing various opportunities for information sharing and networking among space policy and law experts and practitioners in the region such as Space Policy Plenary Session, Inter-regional Space Policy Dialogue between Asia-Pacific and Europe (co-organized APRSAF and European Space Policy Institute), and Space Policy Practitioners Workshop. Furthermore, the National Space Legislation Initiative (NSLI), the first APRSAF initiative in the field of space policy and law, was launched in 2019 to provide joint work opportunities among the space policy and law practitioners in the region. Building on the experience of NSLI, this Space Policy and Law Working Group was established in 2021 based on a recommendation from the NSLI Study Group.

Space Policy and Law WG* Overview

WG Operation:

  • The WG’s program consist mainly of sessions contributed by host country (Japan and local host organizations i.e., ministries, space agencies, academia) and presentations selected from open call. Open call sessions may be organized depending on the status of applications and acceptance.
  • Organizations and individuals wishing to contribute a session or to make a presentation are respectively requested to submit a proposal detailing session content/format or a presentation abstract to the Organizing Committee in advance. The content of sessions and presentations must be relevant to the WG objective and scope.

*WGs and Initiatives in APRSAF:

  • WGs are one- or two-day forum for information exchange and discussion focusing on specific field, held as part of the annual APRSAF meetings. There is no membership for WGs, and all APRSAF annual meeting participants are welcome to attend them. However, prior registration is required.
  • Initiatives are projects that are implemented through regional collaborative efforts undertaken in the framework of APRSAF, and are governed by ToRs which define their memberships, roles, and responsibilities. Proposals for new initiative are, in general, developed by WGs.

WG Leadership and Reporting:

  • The WG is led by two Co-Chairs representing host countries (JAXA/Japan and local host). The Co-Chairs report the results of WG discussion to the Plenary.
  • Each session is led by a Session Chair selected by each session organizer. The Session Chair reports the outcome of session to the WG Co-Chairs.
  • The Selection Organizing Committee for Open Call is led by a Chair representing the lead session organizer from Japan (JAXA).



  • 26(Tue) - 27(Wed) November 2024

Open Call for Sessions / Presentation Proposals

  • For those who are interested in organizing a session or making a presentation at the Space Policy and Law WG, please submit a session proposal or a presentation abstract to by 6 September 2024.
  • For details, please refer to the following document.
    SPLWG Open Call Session and Presentation

Past Meetings



Concept Paper