The 20th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum(APRSAF-20), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 3-6, 2013
Meeting Details

Date: December 3-6, 2013
Place: Hanoi, Vietnam
Theme: Values From Space : 20 Years of Asia-Pacific Experiences
December 3-6, 2013
- Vietnam:Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
- Japan:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
APRSAF-20 will be also supported by the following organizations:
Office of National Space Policy, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan(MOFA)
Overall Schedule of APRSAF-20
Dates | Event | Venue |
30 November- 1 December 2013 |
Water Rocket Event | VAST, Hanoi University of Education |
1-3 December 2013 | 5th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS | Hanoi University of Science and Technology |
2 December 2013 | SAFE Workshop | Melia Hanoi |
2 December 2013 | Kibo-ABC Workshop | VAST |
3 December 2013 | New Cooperation Session | Melia Hanoi |
3-6 December 2013 | APRSAF-20 | Melia Hanoi |
4 December 2013 | Welcome Reception | TBD |
3-6 December 2013 | Poster Contest | Melia Hanoi |
3-6 December 2013 | Exhibition | Melia Hanoi |
6 December 2013 | Cultural Tour | Vietnam Museum of Ethnology |
APRSAF Activities
New Cooperation Session
- Date:3 December 2013
- Venue:Thang Long Ballroom, 7th Floor, Melia Hanoi
Contact for further information:
APRSAF Secretariat
E-mail: aprsaf20aprsaf.org
FAX: +81-3-5209-3208
The APRSAF Executive Committee (ExCom) is interested in exploring opportunities for further space related cooperation. Therefore, ExCom would like to make a broad call for proposals on cooperation ideas not currently being addressed in APRSAF Working Groups. To make a ten-minute presentation at this session, submit the title, keywords and summary of the cooperation proposal when registering online for APRSAF-20.
The tentatire program is found in the final announcement Appendix-E.
SAFE Initiative Workshop
- Date:2 December 2013
- Venue:Function Room #7, Melia Hanoi
- Reference:http://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/SAFE/
Contact for further information:
Mr. Ko Hamamoto
TEL : +81-50-3362-7938 FAX : +81-29-868-2961
E-mail: hamamoto.kojaxa.jp
Kibo-ABC Initiative Workshop
- Date:2 December 2013
- Venue:VAST
- Reference:http://www.aprsaf.org/initiatives/kibo_abc/
Contact for further information:
Ms. Yoshimi Osada
TEL : +81-50-3362-3387 FAX : +81-29-868-3957
E-mail: osada.yoshimijaxa.jp
Water Rocket Event
- Co-organizers:VAST and JAXA
- Date:30 November -1 December 2013
- Venue:VAST
18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
Website: http://www.vast.ac.vn/en/ Water Rocket Event Launch Site:
Hanoi University of Education
Xuân Thủy, Dịch Vọng Hậu, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Vietnam
TEL: +84-4-3754-7823 FAX: +84-4-3754-7971
Rules for Launch Competition
Application form
Poster Contest
- Theme:"Space and Me"
- Co-organizers:VAST and JAXA
- Date:3-6 December 2013
- Venue:7th Floor Foyer(Dec 3–4) and 1st Floor Foyer(Dec 5–6) Melia Hanoi
Contact for further information on the Poster Contest and the Water Rocket Event:
Ms. Yayoi Miyagawa, JAXA Space Education Center
TEL: +81-50-3362-7590 FAX: +81-42-759-8612
E-mail: z-kokusaiedu.jaxa.jp
More information on the Water Rocket Event and Poster Contest will be made available in due course. Please check the APRSAF website (http://www.aprsaf.org) for any updates.
APRSAF-20 Exhibition
Date: 3-6 December 2013
Venue: 7th Floor Foyer(Dec 3–4) and 1st Floor Foyer(Dec 5–6) Melia Hanoi
Exhibition Fee: USD950.00 per booth
Reference: Please see Appendix
To participate in APRSAF-20 Exhibition, please contact:
Mr. Nguyen Thanh LONG,
Space Technology Institute (STI)
Mobile: (+84) 985 214 959
E-mail: ngthanhlongyahoo.com, ntlong
*As the number of booths that can be accommodated at the Exhibision is limited to 8, participation is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Exhibitors must register for APRSAF-20 at
https://www.prime-pco.com/aprsaf20/registration.html (APRSAF registration is free.)
*Due to APRSAF-20 venue's availability, the Exhibition will be held on 7th floor at Melia Hanoi on 3-4 December, and on 1st floor on 5-6 December. Please note that exhibitors will be requested to move their booths on Wednesday night, 4 December.
APRSAF Related Project
5th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS
- Date:1-3 December 2013
- Venue:Hanoi University of Science and Technology
- Reference:http://www.multignss.asia/
Contact for further information:
Ms. Yaka Wakabayashi
TEL : +81-50-3362-3558 FAX : +81-29-868-5987
E-mail: wakabayashi.yakajaxa.jp
APRSAF Side Event
Four side events will be held during APRSAF-20. Please refer to the final announcement Appendix-F.
The APRSAF Secretariat is accepting proposals for an APRSAF side event to be conducted during the APRSAF-20 annual session. The submission deadline is 5 August, 2013. For details please refer to the following documents:
Points of Contact for APRSAF-20
Participants from Vietnam should contact the local point of contact mentioned below to obtain more information concerning their participation.
For Participants from Vietnam:
If you have any inquiries concerning the APRSAF-20, please contact:
Prof. Doan Minh Chung (cc: Ms. Vo Thi Lan Anh)
Space Technology Institute/Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone : +84-3-7917331 Website URL : http://www.vast.ac.vn/en/
E-mail: dmchungsti.vast.vn; vtlanh
For Participants from other countries:
If you have any inquiries concerning the APRSAF-20, please contact:
Ms. Mami Sasamura, APRSAF-20 Secretariat
c/o Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
ochanomizu sola city, 4-6 Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8008, Japan
E-mail: aprsaf20aprsaf.org or FAX:+81-3-5209-3208