2. Initiatives
  3. Sentinel-Asia
  4. The fourth Joint Project Team Meeting (JPTM4)
  5. Presentations (Reference)
  6. Day 3 (7 September, 2007) 10:15-12:15

SPECIAL SESSION "Sharing of Space Technology for Satellite Development" in conjunction with the 4th Sentinel-Asia Joint Project Team Meeting

7 September 2007, Dusit Hotel Nikko, Manila, Republic of the Philippines


  1. Exchange views and sharing experiences on satellite development, and
  2. Discuss possible regional cooperation in sharing of space technology.

Day 3 (7 September, 2007) 10:15-12:15

Time Title Speaker
SPECIAL SESSION on "Sharing of Space Technology for Satellite Development"
Opening Address, Concept of the Session
- Opening Address (Mr. Kozawa, JAXA)
- Concept of the Session (Mr. Matsuura, JAXA)
Presentation by participating organizations (15min. each)
11:10-12:00 Discussion on the concept of "Sharing of Space Technology for Satellite Development"
12:00-12:15 Summary & Closing Address